Maestro Musical Wood
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We to see happy you here!

Our company is occupied by a choice and the subsequent processing of special breeds of wood which possesses certain sonorous properties and features.

Our work is spent in northern mountains of a part which are in territory of Ukraine. There, the European fir-tree grows in high mountains. The same, just as all known fir-tree growing in Alpes. Not knowing about the Carpathian common spruce, manufacturers of musical instruments in Europe considered the Alpine tree as the best. But Carpathian spruce, the fir-tree has identical resonant features and indicators as Alpine, but besides has strong natural light which gives it a live, bright kind.

For more than two ten years of work we have saved a supervision and experience considerable quantity thanks to which we can choose that wood which the highest requirement of world manufacturers of musical instruments corresponds.

Certainly, there is no limit of perfection, but our problem consists in that our quality corresponded to your understanding about an ideal sound. We would be very glad to take part in more detailed dialogue with you. With pleasure we will answer any questions during any time convenient for you!


Musical Wood Ltd
(916) 1525153, (903) 2179520